I heard the expression [意]{い}[外]{がい}といい in a video. I know that 意外に expresses something you didn't expect:

It's delicous! (and I didn't expect that)

Why did I hear 意外と instead of 意外に? Is that a specific dialect? Or, is it standard Japanese?


1 Answer 1


“いがいといい” is “[意外]{いがい}と[良]{い}い” (unexpectedly good).

意外と is a less traditional synonym for 意外に (unexpectedly), the latter being the 連用形 (continuative form) of the na-adjective 意外だ.

  • Can I change 意外に to 意外と in all cases?   Example:   意外と簡単。   意外とも、昨日は天気予報があたった。   意外と知られていない? Oct 30, 2011 at 22:58
  • 2
    @danieltomio: 意外にも cannot be replaced with 意外とも, and therefore the second example in your comment is incorrect. Otherwise I think that 意外に can be replaced with 意外と. The first and the third examples in your comment are correct. Note that because using 意外と for 意外に is a new usage, some people consider it incorrect. Oct 30, 2011 at 23:52

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