
Literally it means something like:

The answers were x, y followed by z.

What is the better translation for this?

2 Answers 2


As far as the nuance goes, it is like saying:

"After a (long) run/series of answers such as X and Y, there came Answer Z."

「~~と[続]{つづ}いた」 implies that it took a pretty long time for all the answers to be presented.

  • Could you elaborate a bit why the author used と before 続いた ? Jun 4, 2016 at 3:14
  • @YasashiiEirian The と is quotative... I think.
    – chocolate
    Jun 4, 2016 at 3:14

The answers x and y were followed by the answer z.

It can be used like this as well.


After going for a a jog and to the gym, I went swimming.

In the above case, it implies that even though I did all of those exercises I still went swimming.


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