I'm still reading "小林{こばやし}一茶{いっさ}" (a book written by 宗左近/Sō Sakon about the famous poet).
I'm facing several difficulties with the following extract :
愛{あい}の歌{うた} 怒{いか}りの歌{うた}
作品{さくひん}の特色{とくしょく}は、極{きわ}めてはっきりしている。冒頭{ぼうとう}にあげた六{ろっ}句{く}に難{むずか}しさはない。弱{よわ}い 生命{せいめい}への愛{あい}の歌{うた}です。その愛{あい}をもたない存在{もの}への怒{いか}りの歌{うた}です。 曖昧{あいまい}さはない。 明快{めいかい}です。誰{だれ}にでも伝{つた}わる。
My translation (disclaimer : I'm not fluent at all in English, please feel free to correct me).
a poetry about love, a poetry about anger
The characteristic of his production is to be utterly exact. At the beginning of the 6 elevated parts(?) , there is nothing difficult. It's a poetry about love that refers to a delicate life. It's a poetry about anger that refers to an existence deprived(?) of this love. No ambiguity. Clarity. Anyone gets the message.
There are several parts I don't understand :
(1) What are the あげた六{ろっ}句{く}? Is it something related to Issa's works ?
(2) What's the grammar behind もたない in その愛{あい}をもたない存在{もの}?
(3) 存在 should be read そんざい (according to WWWJDIC). But my edition adds the "もの" furiganas. What's the difference between these two readings ?