I know that けど is a colloquial form of けれども and that is used to connect two sentences with the meaning of "but, although" but in the following sentence I cannot understand its usage.


The following sentence is my translation:

The "magic stone" is used as a valuable resource, because it can be used in different fields, such as in incendiary devices, in the freezers to store the food of first necessity and a good example is the "light at the magic stone" that we had at our home.

In this sentence is it used with a different nuance?


1 Answer 1


This is an example of another important role of けど, けれど, が, だが, ですが, etc: to provide introductory, background information (前置き) before dealing with the main issue (本題). Any monolingual dictionary explains this usage.

From デジタル大辞泉:



  • 今日は日曜日だけど、どこに行きたい? It's Sunday, (so) where do you want to go?
  • この前の話だけど、覚えてる? Do you remember it, what we discussed the other day?
  • 去年日本に行ったんだけど、楽しかったよ。 I visited Japan last year, and it was fun.

Some of these can be safely translated using but (eg 失礼ですけど = "Excuse me but ..."). In your case, you can simply translate it as if it were two separate sentences: "... is a good example. The magic stone is used as ..."

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