I was reading and I somehow got confused on what is the best way to say something like:

She cooked 10 grams more of rice.

I have some ideas but I would like to know which one is the correct one.

In Japanese you go from the [Background information]>[Important information], that is what I read in a book, at least.


I am not sure which one is the correct one, but could I have an explanation why?

2 Answers 2


One natural way to say this would be


たくさん would be replaced with other adverbs such as たくさん, 余分に, 余計に, 多めに. But you would end up with a fairly awkward sentence if you used 大きく.

Aside from grammar, of course 10 grams of rice is too small a quantity; we usually say 200グラム, 1合, etc.


First of all 大きく炊いた is unnatural and 多く炊いた is natural.

米を10グラム多く炊いた is natural. This を is used for the object.

米10グラム多く炊いた is sometimes used. を is omitted here.

米を10グラムで大きく炊いた and 米10グラムで大きく炊いた are unnatural because the sentences don't need で.

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