1 - Godan verbs.
The potential form of the Godan verbs is constructed by changing the /u/ sound to /e/ and adding る :
読む → 読める ; 帰る → 帰れる ; 買う → 買える
It's actually a contraction of 読まれる, 帰られる and 買われる which are now only used as the passive form (I think).
2 - Ichidan verbs.
The potential form of the Ichidan verbs is constructed like the passive form by adding られる to the stem (verb at it's simple form minus る) :
食べる → 食べられる ; 忘れる → 忘れられる
The contracted forms 食べれる and 忘れれる, though widely used, is not considered gramaticaly correct.
3 - Irregular verbs.
Watchout for ある which have a different kind of potential form.
来る → 来られる ; する → 出来る{できる}
II - Meaning
1 - Potential.
Someone unforgettable.
A world war can happen.
2 - Capacity
Dogs know how to swim.
I'm finally able to read.
III - Expressions with similar meaning.
1 - ことができる.
Verb (simple form) + ことができる has the same meaning as the potential form (potential + capacity).
I believe I can fly.
2 - 得る{える} and 得る{うる}.
Verb stem + える (literary) or うる (more literary) has the meaning of potential but not capacity. It's also the only potential form of ある.
Something that stupid can't exist!
Glass can break under pressure.
IV - Regarding the particles and your examples.
The basic sentence is (neutral and polite) :
私は本を読む。 私は本を読みます。
I read a book.
The passive form isn't 本が読みます* but :
私に(は)本が読まれる。 私に(は)本が読まれます。
The book is read by me. (unnatural)
The gramatical subject of the potential verb in japanese isn't the one being able to do but the thing that can be done :
I can read a book. (Litteraly) The book can be read by me.
Due to the influence of the occidental languages, and mainly english, you can also find が (insisting on the object "the book") replaced by を (insisting on the action "to read").
The difference between が and を with the potential form of a verb.
in Japanese. It has a space built-in.