X and Y are in a forest. They have been talking about it getting dark and cold. They both know that it is a long walk out of the forest.
- Thus far, the verb "暮れる" has not been used.
- "暗くなっている" has been used.
- "日が暗くなっている" has never been used.
Surely, #3 demonstrates that "暗くなっている" and "暮れている" are different in nuance. And, that is fine, a different issue.
Given context, can't you assume the "日" in "日が暮れている"?
We already know it is getting cold / dark / late.
It is said twice in a row.
And, Y says it while he is looking at the sky.
(wild guess): "日が" places emphasis on the sun. This emphasis allows you to capture the sun's practical, and symbolic, meanings?