I learnt:

  • 食べるところ:about to eat.
  • 食べているところ:in the middle of eating.
  • 食べたところ:just ate.
  • 食べたばかり:just ate.

I would like to know if I can change ところ for とこ in spoken language.

and if there is any difference between 食べたところ and 食べたばかり. which one is more rude, or more polite; and if I can use both in any situation.

4 Answers 4


~たところ and ~たばかり both mean "just did X". I was always taught that ~たところ means "I just did X and haven't done anything else", whereas ~たばかり means "I just did X (but could've been a little while ago)." The "scope" of the event can determine the recentness.


  • 昼食を食べたところだ。 → I just ate lunch (right now).

  • (午後3:00) 昼食食べたばかりなんで、眠たい。 → (At 3:00pm) I just ate lunch (even though it was several hours ago), so now I'm sleepy.

  • (隣の人に車を見せながら) 新しい車買ったところやで! → (Show his neighbor) I just bought this new car (as in just came home from the dealership)!

  • (電車の改札口で) 森内さん、回数券多いね。新しい車買ったばかりじゃない? → (At the ticket gate for the train) Moriuchi, you sure do have a lot of commuter (train) tickets. Didn't you just buy a new car? (could have been several days or even a few weeks ago).


…したところ can be changed to …したとこ in informal speech.

…したところ and …したばかり are almost synonymous. I feel that …したばかり has a stronger emphasis on how recent the event took place, and I am not very sure. There is no difference in politeness.


Each of those phrases looks like a part of sentence made with correlative adverbs of 呼応の副詞.

Their meanings and ending phrases are decided from adverbs preceding, and in the case of a very short sentence with an adverb omitted like those, I guess that those meanings just depend on the native speaker's sense after all.

as an example:
これから...するところ from now on
今...しているところ  now
たった今...したところ just now
さっき...したばかり  a little while ago

したところ is similar to したばかり.
とこ is abbreviated from ところ, and it is a little bit rude.


ばかり "implies the situation is too precarious or unstable to warrant further action" or bad timing

ところ either factual or good timing

Source: Intermediate Japanese by Tsujioka and Hamano

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