I came up with the stem of the ます-form while trying to read a book. I already checked the questions Connecting phrases with the stem of masu-form and なく vs. なくて and stem form vs. てform as conjunctions. So, from those I learned that it is like て-form except that it doesn't imply temporal order.
Now, as far as I know (which is not much yet...), the 〜たり、〜たりする form does the same thing, which is similar to using や to list nouns and imply that there may be others, and does not imply temporal order.
(1) 今朝{けさ}起{お}きて、シャワーを浴{あ}びて、朝{あさ}ご飯{はん}を食{た}べました。
(2) 今朝{けさ}起{お}きたり、シャワーを浴{あ}びたり、朝{あさ}ご飯{はん}を食{た}べたりしました。
(3) 今朝{けさ}起{お}き、シャワーを浴{あ}び、朝{あさ}ご飯{はん}を食{た}べました。
Could someone please explain the difference between the 〜たり and the stem of the ます-form when used as conjuction?