It seems like they both mean the same, young man. What is the difference between them?
1 Answer
According to this site:
is used for persons till 20 years (or depending on the law from elementary school till 18 years)
is used for persons from 14/15 years till 24/25 years.
Also you should take care, that 青年 and 少年 can be used for females, too. (See comments from eltonjohn and snailboat.)
I would just like to add that by looking at the kanji you can infer a lot; one means "small" or "fewer" and the other means "blue" or "green" (as in the case of an unripened fruit). Years-too-few and Not-yet-ripe.– sovaCommented Jul 3, 2015 at 4:22
2<it is used for male and female> Well, 青年 is surely used for both male and female as in 青年男女, whereas 少年 is mainly used for male: we usually say 少女 for girl(s). For the record, in legal context, 少年 refers to both male and female. Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 7:21
2@sova I think the use of 青 is meant to evoke spring, as in 青春, not lack of ripeness. (Well, not directly, anyway. Of course spring itself evokes lack of ripeness.) Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 9:13
2I think there is a tendency to use 青年 for males, though.– user1478Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 12:48