I came across the following kanji on a JLPT N5 vocabulary list: 違う. 違う「ちがう」, is presented as 'different'. I would appreciate it very much if somebody could present me simple examples of the use of it in the given meaning. Thank you.
1These two things don't appear to be related, so it's probably best if you don't put them both in the same question.– user1478Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 10:27
Ok, I'll edit it.– DanielCommented Jun 17, 2015 at 10:29
1pastebin.com/7SXtyMAg pastebin.com/AHbUaxfM– blutorangeCommented Jun 17, 2015 at 10:29
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1 Answer
When to use 違う?
You use 違う if you intend to correct the speaker about whatever point he conveys.
B:違います (or 違う, to sound colloquial) 。フランス人です。
Another use of 違う:
When a speaker describes that two things are different.
A: りんごとオレンジは違う果物です。
Hope this helps.