I began reading manga (To Loveる) and I saw something I don't understand or rather why it is used there.

The sentence is:

まさか こんな“辺境”にまでお逃げになられるとはねエ・・・

I mostly understand but there's the ending part that makes me confused.

  1. Why is と even used there?
  2. And what's with は? Is it like ending-particle わ?
  3. And one more: why is there used passive form of なる (なられる)?

Sorry for asking a lot! It would be great help if you could help me get it right.

  • と is quotative particle implying 思わなかった. は is what's called topic or contrastive particle.
    – user4092
    Commented Jun 13, 2015 at 14:44
  • No, I don't. But thanks for asking.
    – istrasci
    Commented Jun 15, 2015 at 14:50

1 Answer 1


「まさか、こんな”[辺境]{へんきょう}”にまでお[逃]{に}げになられるとはねエ・・・ 」

To give it my own TL,

"Good Lord! How you/he/she escaped all the way to this remote place!"

Why is と even used there? And what's with は?

It is 「とは」 that we should be looking at here.

「~~~とは」 expresses the speaker's surprise, anger, excitement, etc. The important thing is that one can end a sentence with this 「とは」 without directly stating how one feels about an event/situation. The sentence in question is actually an example of this. The 「ねエ」 ending does not count as a meaningful statement. How the speaker feels is left unsaid. Thus, the 「・・・」 at the end.

Is it like ending-particle わ?

No, it is nothing like 「わ」. To end a sentence with 「わ」, you need to make a meaningful statement first and then, you add a 「わ」 at the end.

why is there used passive form of なる (なられる)?

That is not the passive voice; It is the honorific speech. The speaker is being respectful to the person who ran away.

  • お逃げになられる(お~になられる)は正しい敬語ですか。「お逃げになる」でなくてよいですか。
    – chocolate
    Commented Jun 13, 2015 at 10:12
  • 1
    – chocolate
    Commented Jun 13, 2015 at 10:27
  • うわっ、あかん!ホンマやがな。若いな、ワシも・・
    – user4032
    Commented Jun 13, 2015 at 14:29

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