Quoted from the Japanese Wikipedia entry about チャンプルー

チャンプルーの語源は、インドネシア語・マレー語のcampur[1][2](チャンプールまたはチャンポール:音声は[3])との説がある[1]。この語は、同語源の日本語のちゃんぽんと同様「混ぜる」「混ぜたもの(料理)」という意味を持ち、インドネシア料理にはナシチャンプルという、飯と数種類のおかずを混ぜた料理がある(ナシ nasi はインドネシア語で飯の意)。

Does チャンプルー come from Indonesian?

  • 1
    Not helpful to answering this question in particular, but it wouldn't be the first time Japanese loaned other words for arguably native dishes. Even tempura is a loanword from portugese (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempura#Origins)
    – sqrtbottle
    Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 9:30
  • Hints: (1) Why is チャンプルー written in katakana? (2): There has been exchange between Okinawa and Indonesia since 14th century. (I trust that you know チャンプルー is an Okinawan word that has only been used actively about 20-30 years in the rest of the country.)
    – user4032
    Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 11:39

2 Answers 2


I don't know about this word's (チャンプルー) history in Japanese, but yes, in Indonesian there is a word "campur". Campur means "mix"; from an Indonesian-Japanese dictionary: 混合、混ぜる、干渉する。 Because I often hear this word "campur" in Indonesian, in my opinion, it could have come from Indonesian.



chanpuru; champuru; Okinawan stir-fry dish, usually containing vegetables (especially bitter melon), tofu, meat or fish (poss. from Indonesian "campur" meaning mixed)

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