I am having trouble understanding the following sentence:
In particular, I am having trouble comprehending the first clause:
From what I do understand, クレジットカードによるお支払いを希望される modifies 方.
From this, it seems to mean something like:
Regarding a way to ["be hoped" / "be desired"] for credit card payments, please read the next warning.
"be hoped" / "be desired" comes from 希望される, the passive conjugation of 希望する.
To confirm, クレジットカードによる modifies お支払い, and the resulting phrase means "credit card payment", right?
お支払いを希望する seems to mean "to hope for payment", but "to be hoped for payment" and "way to be hoped for payment" sound somewhat bizarre. How can this phrase be broken down and translated? Also, can I infer the listener/reader to be the entity doing the hoping?
Ultimately, what does the sentence mean? How much of my translation is accurate? Even my resulting English translation doesn't make much sense.