What does 形から入る mean? What contexts may it be used in? I can't find the phrase in my dictionary.
I ran across this in an anime. Transcription of the relevant parts:
[麻]{ま}[音]{おん}の父さん 「本当にこの子は『漫画家になりたい』言うたり、『ぬいぐるみの中に入る人になりたい』言うたり、あれはいつだったかな」
麻音の母さん 「小3の時ですよ、突然…手品師になるからシルクハットとタキシードを買えって言って」
父さん 「そうだった!とりあえずこの子は[形]{かたち}から[入る]{はいる}からな」
麻音の友だち1 「ははは…なにそれ?」
麻音の友だち2 「夢、変わりすぎ!」
父さん 「まあ、何でもいい。自分で選んだ道だな。麻音が自分自身のなりたいものになればいい」
Translation attempt:
'Really, this girl used to say things such as "I want to become a mangaka", "I want to become someone who is inside stuffed animals"... when was that again?'
'When she was in third grade. She just suddenly demanded a silk hat and a tuxedo because she wanted to become a magician.'
'That's right. Anyway, she ???'
'[laughter] What on earth?'
'Your dreams [of future] are too strange!'
'Well, anything works for us, if it's a path she's taken by herself. She may become anything she wants to.'