There is too many words for 'tool' that I am having hard time figuring out when to use which, or if some of them are just synonyms, meaning essentially the same thing. So far I know at least the following words (with dictionary definitions, and example sentences with rough translations from Tanaka Corpus):
- 器具{きぐ} = utensil; apparatus; implement; device; gadget
- e.g. 「その学校は最新の体育器具を備えている。」 = "That school is equipped with the latest gymnastics apparatus."
- 道具{どうぐ} = tool; implement; instrument; utensil; apparatus; device
- e.g. 「それを開ける道具が必要です。」 = "We need a tool to open it with."
- 器械{きかい} = instrument; appliance; apparatus
- e.g. 「血圧計は大切な検査器械です。」 = "The sphygmomanometer is an important diagnostic instrument."
- 装置{そうち} = equipment; installation; apparatus; device
- e.g. 「これは電気を作る装置だ。」 = "This device produces electricity."
- 用具{ようぐ} = tools; implements
- e.g. 「ペンや鉛筆は筆記用具である。」 = "Pens and Pencils are the tools of writing."
Judging by the amount of example sentences I found for each of these words, 用具 and 装置 are not very common words(?).
There is this Japanese dictionary that discusses the differences between some of the words (, and if I understood correctly the meanings are:
- 道具 means widely used tools, and generally means tools with simple structure that can be used with hands (手で扱う簡単な構造のもの). An instrument.
- 機械 or 器械 are used when referring to tools / devices with more complicated structure.
- 用具 and 道具 can often be used interchangeably, but 用具 is mostly being used to refer to sports and studying (学習) tools. An instrument.
- 器具 refers to type of 器械 with simple structure and small scale. E.g. gas, electric and medical equipment, and うつわもののこと?. An appliance.
Firstly, if 器具 is defined as above, why is it used in the example sentence 「その学校は最新の体育器具を備えている」? Wouldn't 用具 be more appropriate in this context? Are 機械 and 器械 synonyms, i.e. can they be used interchangeably? Also, how does 装置 fit in all of this?
I hope someone can explain this, as I find it confusing.
EDIT: And now I found another word that seems to have quite similar definition compared to the others:
- 設備{せつび} = equipment; device; facilities; installation.
- e.g. 「この学校は暖房設備がない。」 = "This school has no heating."