This is potentially much simpler than I'm expecting but when simply ordering events within a sequence are there any contextual differences between using ~て and ~てから?
For example, if I was talking about my morning routine and wanted to say I eat breakfast and then brush my teeth I could say it using either ~て or ~てから.
Every morning I eat breakfast and brush my teeth.毎朝、朝ごはんを食べてから歯を磨きます。
Every morning I brush my teeth AFTER I eat breakfast.
My interpretation is that meaning wise, these two sentences are essentially the same, first I eat my breakfast then I brush my teeth. Is this correct? Does ~てから place emphasis on one of the two events over the other or are these just two different ways of saying the same thing? How are these sentences different? In a situation like this why would I choose one over the other, is it simply a stylistic choice? Is there some nuance I'm missing here?