I wonder, what term 詰めの甘さ could mean? The whole sentense is: 三種の器に入れてもらえなかった詰めの甘さなのだろうか

  • Have you looked up 詰めが甘い?
    – user1478
    Commented Aug 13, 2014 at 11:26
  • Yes, i found only "slack". So, it turns out that 詰めの甘さ means "weakness". But it doesn't make too much sense...
    – user6677
    Commented Aug 13, 2014 at 11:33

1 Answer 1


「[詰]{つ}め」 originally means "checkmating" in Japanese board games. From that, we often use the word to refer to the "final stage" or "final move" in all kinds of things.

「[甘]{あま}い」 here does not mean "sweet". It means "not severe", "permissive", etc. If you were being permissive or lenient at the final stage of a game of chess or something, you would not be likely to win.

「詰めの甘さ」, therefore, means "one's tendency to slack off at the end of something".

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