So this is my first time tying to convert handwriting to text, and its left me with a few questions.
Line 6 Char 2; I would say is likely せ but I've not come across any instance where stroke 3 can extend below stroke 2, nor can I find a Kanji that comes closer. It this correct?
Line 5 char 4; I would say is likely 這, since I can find a font that has the radical 言 with a vertical carrot on top instead of a bar, however that font doesn't have 這. Is changing top bars to carrots common?
Line 4 char13; 石 is really small, so I would expect to radical attached to 亦 but as I fail to find a matching Kanji, I have to assume the tininess is just inconstancy in Kanji size?
Did I get anything else wrong?
The Hand wring is from an authors response to a reader (typed) question.
Text version
As Submitted As Corrected By Answers
ブルマ!? ブルマ!?
ブルマの魅カですか!? ブルマの魅カですか!?
ブルマのすそがちょっとズして ブルマのすそがちょっとズレて
赤くなったフトモモのブル石亦 赤くなったフトモモのブル石亦
に舌む這ゆせたいです! に舌を這わせたいです!
ふせの柔うかい肉体む 少女の柔らかい肉体を
舌先で、ブルマの尓の息触 舌先で、ブルマの布の感触
む舌のサイドでじながう を舌のサイドで感じながら
思う存分舐め回したいです! 思う存分舐め回したいです!