Background: if you have a noun, the easiest way to convert it into a verb is by gluing a する onto the end of it. Examples of this abound, ranging from old Sino compounds to recent English borrowings.
Sometimes, a novel 五段 verb can also be constructed from a non-verb. Examples of this include:
- グーグル → ググる ("to Google; to search")
- メモ → メモる ("to make a note of")
- びっくり → びくる ("to be surprised / startled", I think)
- サボタージュ → サボる ("to slack off; to skip")
- 写メ【しゃメ】 → 写メる【しゃメる】 ("to take a picture with a mobile device")
Observe that all of the verbs thus formed are ラ行 verbs. Can this process only give rise to ラ行 verbs, or can it also produce other types of 五段 verbs, e.g. カ行 or サ行?