In my JLPT textbook, I have this sentence:
I think this sentence means, "He betrayed the trust of the people. As a result, it was the case that he was chased out of his seat of power." "Seat of power" may be overly literal, it's probably more like his seat in the Diet or something, but that's not the part I'm concerned with.
It's the 権力{けんりょく}の座{ざ}を追{お}われること
part. From the overall context of the sentence, I'm guessing the guy was chased from the seat. But, from the grammar, because of the を
particle that points directly to the chair, it feels like it should mean the seat itself had been chased.
Am I right that it means the guy was chased from the chair? If so, why does 座{ざ}を追{お}われる
not mean the chair got chased? If I'm wrong about the meaning, then what does it mean?