With many 擬音語 (ぎおんご, onomatopoeia) and 擬態語 (ぎたいご, mimetic words) there is a double form, where the word is repeated, and a form with っと at the end. For example:
- きらきら -> きらっと (sparkling)
- ぴかぴか -> ぴかっと (twinkling)
- ぺろぺろ -> ぺろっと (slavering?)
- ちらちら -> ちらっと (fluttering)
- ごろごろ -> ごろっと (rumbling)
- どきどき -> どきっと (suddenly?)
Is there one of these forms for every 擬音語/擬態語? I couldn't find some in the dictionary. How are the two forms used differently? Is this っと just another grammatical form (like という)? And what about the similar forms ちらり, ちらりと and ちらと or きらりと and きらり?