Help me please with translating this sentence -


Maybe I’m missing something, but that part just does’t make much sense to me. My interpritation would sound some thing like this – 方2 says that she getting irrated from these guys so much, that when she comes home she is a mess, just like those guys parents which are always with them, so the translation would sound something like this –

“To the extent of their family(just like their family), when I come home I’m a mess.”

But I’m having some doubts with this translation, so I would really appreciate your help.





1 Answer 1


I will be honest but please do not feel discouraged. Hopefully, you can learn something from your mistakes. A spoken line by a teenager would not be the easiest thing for a language learner to handle.

Your translation:

“To the extent of their family(just like their family), when I come home I’m a mess.”

is not even close to the original:


Where do you get the first-person pronoun "I" from? The sentence is NOT about the speaker (方2). It is about the families of those students that both 方1 and 方2 hate so much from school. 

ああいう奴ら = "guys like that", "those types", etc. (whom 方1 and 方2 dislike).

The subject of the predicate 「ぐちゃぐちゃだったりすんのよ」 is 「ああいう奴らの家庭」.

The 「ほど」 expresses "inverse proportion" here. The guys that 方1 and 方2 dislike so much are the happy guys at school, right? They are the ones that have a great time at school. 方2 is saying that the happier kids are at school, the more ぐちゃぐちゃ (= "f***ed-up") their families would tend to be.

My own TL attempt: "It is the families of those types that are likely to be f***ed-up (when they go home)."

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