I'm trying to understand the phrase 「Aを心配させるな」 by "sounding it out" in English.
I can understand 「Aを心配かけるな」as meaning "Do NOT associate/connect any worries with A!!!". In my thinking, that makes sense.
But, I can't think of how to "sound-out" the phrase 「Aを心配させるな」 into English. As 「させる」 is causative, the command would seem to have to be directed at the person who is causing someone else to worry: 「田中さん、Aについて、Bobを心配させるな。」 "Tanaka-san, do not cause Bob to worry about A." And, "Bob" is the one who is worried, and "Tanaka-san" is to whom I am giving a command.
Yet, this discussion asserts that 「Aを心配かける」and 「Aを心配させる」 have the same basic meaning, at least in some situations.
So, how can a speaker of English sound-out "Aを心配させるな" in English?
"Do not cause yourself to be worried about A."
"Do not allow yourself to be worried about A (by some unspoken factor)." // but this is passive voice, not causative. Most certainly I don't even understand causative/passive to begin with.