I'm confused about 「に作られた」 in the following sentence. Kindly explain this part to me.

「Central Base」とは、旧「アクアポリス・中央エアポート」に作られた、「ASDF」の陸上(?)基地のことだ。

Some sort of translation:

  1. Central base is, created by the old Aquapolice - Central airport, ASDF's land(?) base.

  2. Central base is, created on the old Aquapolice - Central airport, ASDF's land(?) base. (However in this case I think that で would be more suitable)

The "(?)" is part of the original text.

1 Answer 1


The reading as に to mark the agent of the passive construction is definitely syntactically possible, but a much more likely reading is the locative に, i.e. your second reading.

Why is it に and not で? で marks a place where an action happens, に marks a place where something "exists". There is definitely some overlap in usage, but で in this case sounds strange to me, as if "it was built there, but then moved somewhere else".

  • Oh! I'm glad you posted this. I really wanted it to be the locative reading, but my understanding was that it would have to be で in that case. Time for me to review に and で, I suppose! :-)
    – user1478
    Commented Sep 21, 2013 at 23:24
  • Yes, this answer is correct.
    – execjosh
    Commented Sep 22, 2013 at 0:25
  • I should have read the question more carefully. This should have been my answer.
    – Earthliŋ
    Commented Sep 22, 2013 at 8:11

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