I have trouble making sense of the definition for 講座:



I am unsure how to understand 学科ごとに. There are two ways I can read the bold part:

  1. An organization located in a university for research and education which allocated professors, associate professors and lecturers for each subject (I am assuming that the subject for 配した is 組織).

  2. An organization located in a university for research and education, which is different for each subject...

You can see that #2 treats 講座 as something that is different for each 学科, whereas in #1, 講座 is seen as a entity that assigns professors in each subject. I think #2 makes sense.

How ごとに works here grammatically?

  • The adverbial form ごと can only go with 配した in this sentence. Where did you get "different" from?
    – aguijonazo
    Commented Jul 21 at 9:11

1 Answer 1


学科ごとに modifies 配した, and this phrase normally means "on a per-学科 basis" or "for each 学科". However, 学科ごとに教授を配する sounds like each 学科 has only one professor, which is clearly incorrect. Each 学科 in a university typically has 10 or more 教授. So this dictionary definition appears misleading, and it should have been something like 学科内で or 学科の下部組織として instead.

学科 in a context like this is not "subject" but "department". 学科 (department) is a subclass of 学部 (faculty), and many 講座 (chair/course) are established below a 学科. Each 講座 typically has one 教授 (professor). The hierarchy typically looks like this:

  • 理学部 Faculty of Science
    • 数学科 Department of Mathematics
      • 代数学講座 Chair/Course of Algebra
        • 教授, 准教授, 講師, ...
      • 幾何学講座 Chair/Course of Geometry
        • 教授, 准教授, 講師, ...
      • ...
    • 天文学科 Department of Astronomy
    • ...
  • 工学部 Faculty of Engineering
  • 文学部 Faculty of Letters
  • ...

For example, The University of Tokyo has 10 学部/faculties, one of which is 理学部. 理学部 has 10 学科/departments, one of which is 数学科. There are 24 professors in 数学科, and each of them is a head of a 講座.

  • Thanks. So the target for 配した is 研究・教育のための組織, right? Commented Jul 21 at 20:07
  • 1
    @JohnDavies What do you mean by "target"? The literal translation is "an organization for research and education where professors, associate professors, lecturers, etc., are allocated on a per-department basis".
    – naruto
    Commented Jul 21 at 21:13
  • I mean the non-relativized version of the definition is 大学で、学科ごとに教授・准教授・講師などを研究・教育のための組織配した, right? Commented Jul 21 at 21:57
  • 1
    @JohnDavies Yes.
    – naruto
    Commented Jul 23 at 2:33

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