I ran into this usage of 気ばかり from Dungeon Meshi Episode 14:


I had never seen 気ばかり before, so I checked one of my dictionaries for 焦る and came across these example sentences:

・気ばかり焦る be overanxious; be in a state of anxiety 《to do sth》
I've been so anxious to get the work finished that it's been going nowhere.

Searching for 気ばかり on Twitter, almost every example includes 焦る.

I wonder the possible reason for this (since there are so many 気 expressions), if other verbs are also used, and if so what specific kinds of verbs are used with 気ばかり?

  • 1
    – chocolate
    Commented Jul 13 at 14:00

2 Answers 2


Here, 気が焦る is a set expression, and ばかり adds the meaning of "only/just". 気ばかり焦って and 気が焦るばかりで are interchangeable.

Other common set phrases, such as 気がつく, 気が散る and 気がする, tend to take ばかり/だけ after the verb part:

  • 気が散るばかりでまったく集中できない。
    (気ばかり散って is understandable but less common)
  • 気がつくだけで何も言わない。
    (気だけついて sounds awkward)
  • そんな気がしてるけど、気がしてるだけかも。
    I have that feeling, but maybe it's just a feeling.
    (気だけしているのかも sounds very unnatural)

I don't know the exact reason for this, but it might be because these super-common fixed phrases tend to be recognized as indivisible lexical units, while 気が焦る tends to be perceived as two words.


気ばかり焦る is simply a set expression in Japanese using the noun 気 and the particle ばかり. Here, 気ばかり means "at the limits of one's feelings/spirit", which suits the verb 焦る "to be anxious" well. You could conceivably use synonyms of anxious, but it would sound strange.

It's a bit like asking if you can use a noun other than "pie" in the phrase "it's easy as...". You could do this, but it wouldn't be the same timeworn expression anymore.

  • 4
    気ばかり焦る is simply a set expression... -- いや、「気が焦る」に、「ばかり」とか「だけ」が付いたんじゃないですかね… 「気が焦る」「気持ちが焦る」「気だけ焦って」「気持ちばっかり焦って」「気持ちだけが焦って」「気が[急]{せ}く」「気ばかり急いて」...とかいろいろ言いますやん
    – chocolate
    Commented Jul 13 at 14:01

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