I have found two examples of this kind of pattern from anime and I wonder how it’s specifically used:

Black Lagoon, main character thinking to self (inoculated) that they’re bad at keeping shut in interrogations:

When I talked to the old guy I acted high and mighty.
Now that I think about it, I tend to blab all I want... ...then talk myself outta the situation.

Kill la Kill, Ryuko is mad that Kiryuin Satsuki has confided herself in a fortress of sorts when she thought they would fight:

She whips everybody into a frenzy and then sits behind an impenetrable shield?

The second is example is contracted ておく, but this seems to be a pattern utilizing だけ's meaning of "extent".

Is Verb+だけ+Same verb て-form a common grammar pattern to say something like "verb as much as verb"?
What does it really mean? How is it usually used?

1 Answer 1


This V1だけV1て(V2しない) is an emphatic way of saying "to do nothing but V1" or "to only do V1". It's explained as "JLPTにない文型" in this article: 〜だけ〜て|日本語能力試験 JLPTにない文型.

While common, its use is almost exclusively limited to blaming someone, as seen in your examples. I don't know the JLPT level for this, but it's common enough and I think it's worth remembering this pattern at your level.

(Note that something like 食べられるだけ食べた and 試験を受けるだけ受けてみよう seem to be categorized as JLPT N2.)

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