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I was wondering about this sentence:

大悪魔の 娘である私に..その巧みな話術で恋人契約させた抜け目ない男子ッ!!

Does the relative clause connect with the causative and the に particle here? More specifically, it is this part I am confused about:


And if I had to strip it more down, would this be grammatically correct?


1 Answer 1


Yes, that に and the causative verb are linked. After removing less important modifiers, the sentence is basically this:

the guy who made me lover-contract!
the guy who made me sign a lover's contract!

So 私(に) is the agent (causee) of the past causative form of the suru-verb 恋人契約する. Also note that this sentence is a 体言止め sentence.


  • 私 is modified by a relative clause, 大魔王の娘である ("who is a daughter of the great demon lord")
  • 恋人契約させた is adverbially modified by その巧みな話術で ("with his smooth talking skills")
  • 男子 is modified by an i-adjective, 抜け目ない ("shrewd")

Therefore, the final translation is:

(He is) a shrewd guy who made me, the daughter of the great demon lord, sign a lover's contract with his smooth talking skills!

  • Thanks for the answer as always man, I realized later that I had brainfog due to long covid. After looking at the sentence again a couple of days later it made sense. Still thanks for explaining it though. Commented May 26 at 7:50

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