I got this sentence from a manga

私はもう誰の命にも 従うつもりは ないそれが異三郎であろうとあなた達であろうと

My question is why the author used にも instead of just に in the bolded sentence.

Is it grammatically incorrect?

Is there nuance when the author used にも instead of just に in this sentence?


1 Answer 1


"誰" needs "も" so you cannot remove "も".

"誰" is combined with にも,でも,からも,も,へも,とも,にでも,とでも to make exaggerated expressions.

  • "誰にも会いたくない"="I no longer want to see anybody."
  • "誰でもいい"="I don't care who would do the thing."
  • "誰からも連絡がない"="I have no call at all."
  • "誰も知らない"="I don't know anyone."
  • "誰へも伝えてない"="I haven't told to anyone."
  • "誰とも話さない"="I'd talk to no one"
  • "誰にでも挨拶する"="say hello to everyone"
  • "誰とでも仲良くする"="be nice to everyone"

All the above sentences are structured as "誰" + x + "も".

When a sentence(not interrogative sentence) has "誰" then "も" should follow.

Thus "私はもう誰の命に従うつもりはない" is gramatically wrong, it sounds awkward.

if you still want to use 誰+に instead of 誰+にも,then you must put も afterward.


If "彼" is used instead of "誰" then


is correct as "誰+も" pattern is gone.

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