Kamekichi, a young boy with super powers, is being tortured/experimented on by a scientist who is trying to get Kamekichi to use his powers by electrocuting him.
Unsatisfied and feeling that Kamekichi isn't using his power to it's fullest, and with a higher ranking scientist coming in to observe the experiment, the scientist decides to hook up Kamekichi's dog to the same kind of electrocution device as a means of "encouragement".
The scientist's superior sees the dog and inquires about it, to which the scientist responds:
あれは カメキチをさらう時 しがみついて はなれないもんで いっしょに つれてきたイヌです
今までは ショックで自殺でも されてはと 生かしておいたの ですが・・・
ぎゃくに あのイヌへの愛情が カメキチの パワーのネックに なってたのかもしれません・・・
So far to my understanding this comes out to something like
あれは カメキチをさらう時 しがみついて はなれないもんで いっしょに つれてきたイヌです
That is the dog we brought along with Kamekichi when we abducted him, because it was clinging to him and wouldn't go away.
ぎゃくに あのイヌへの愛情が カメキチの パワーのネックに なってたのかもしれません・・・
On the other hand, Kamekichi's affection for that dog may have become a hindrance to his powers...
So today...
Where I am having issues is
今までは ショックで自殺でも されてはと 生かしておいたの ですが・・・
I believe I understand the individual clauses of this sentence to be:
ショックで自殺でも されてはと
even if he killed himself from shock
生かしておいたの ですが・・・
we let it live but...
I am assuming that the ては here is either "if" or for emphasis, and that と is used as a conditional "if". But what do these mean together? Are they just a stronger, more emphasized "if"? And how do these two clauses relate to each other?
Which leads to my second question, who is this sentence referring to? It seems like the first clause [ショックで自殺でも されてはと] is talking about Kamekichi, while the second clause [生かしておいたの ですが・・・] is about his dog.
I feel like I'm missing or misunderstanding something here.