当て字 is using the reading of kanji instead of its meaning; it is the reading applied to the kanji. I'm wondering if there is a word for the opposite/inverse: having the kanji applied to a reading.
Here's my use-case: In 大阪弁・関西弁 (and possibly some others), it is common to hear 『や』 in place of 『だ』. So often when writing something to my friends, if I need to write 『だけど』, I'll change it to 『やけど』. Furthering this, I intentionally enter the text as the 『火傷』, and my friends find it humourous...mostly.
So it's like a 熟字訓 used as the inverse-当て字 of plain kana that would not normally (or at all) have associated kanji.
Is there a name for this? Or would people just say it's 当て字?