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Context: In the previous page, the other character is complaining people are misunderstanding/drawing fanart of her manga on twitter, so her colleague tell her this. Her answer after this is "no way I could do that."

My reading is that 訴えれば is "should we sue (them)" or maybe "bring the issue to their attention"?

To which then he add


I understand "どの作家もやってない" is "it's not something any writer do", but I'm stumbled on the usage of だけで here. "Just by being something no author ever did, you can win it?"


1 Answer 1


This 訴える means "to sue" in the legal sense. This だけ is "just" or "only". Compare:

  • どの作家もやってない。
    No author has done it.
  • どの作家もやってないだけだ。
    It's just that no author has done it.
    Simply, no authors has done it.
    No authors has done it, nothing more.

So the translation is:

Then why not sue them?

It's just that no author has done it yet; (if you do,) you can surely win, can't you?

Similar usage of だけ:

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