The exact age limit for the terms 男の子 and 女の子 would differ person by person, but the general consensus is that anyone under the age of 30 and unmarried can be referred to as 男の子 and 女の子. Here, the 子 simply indicates someone who is still young, and possibly immature. It should not be literally understood as a "child."
Once a person surpasses the condition of being called 男の子 and 女の子, they can then be referred to as 男の人 and 女の人. Please DO NOT refer to anyone as simply 男{おとこ} and 女{おんな}, although it literally means "man" and "woman", it is a very rude way to address people. Always use 男の子/女の子 or 男の人/女の人.
In formal context though, we refer to "males" as 男性{だんせい} and "females" as 女性{じょせい}. You will likely see this a lot when filling out official forms. For 男性/女性 there is no age limit.