There's this song I really like called "空がこんなに青いとは" in which there are the following lyrics:


I'm kind of confused on how ように is being utilized at the end of the last two sentences.

I understand the string of lyrics as meaning:

The sky taught me to have a big heart, and to never let go of a friend's hand.

But what is the ように for? From my understanding it's usually used at the end of a sentence to indicate hope or a wish for something, but I'm not sure if the nuance's the same here. Could anyone please give me a breakdown of how it's being used? Thanks in advance!


1 Answer 1


It's ように used to make an instruction/command/wish. It's used before verbs such as 願う, 頼む, 命令する, 伝える, 言う and 教える. に is sometimes dropped.

  • 彼に来るよう(に)頼んだ。
    I asked him to come.
  • 音を立ててスープを飲まないよう(に)教えた。
    I taught them not to slurp soup.
  • 黙るよう(に)言って!
    Tell her to shut up!

In your case, the verb (教えてくれた) comes first, which is a common rhetoric device known as 倒置 (hyperbaton/anastrophe). It's followed by the content of the teaching.

As you already know, ように is used also at the end of a sentence, and I agree that this usage is loosely related.

  • ここで待つように。
    Wait here.
  • 大学に合格しますように。
    May I get accepted into college.

It's explained in these definitions:



(「ように」の形で)婉曲 (えんきょく) な命令・希望の意を表す。「開始時刻に遅れないように」「今後ともよろしくご指導くださいますように」

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