I was reading a children's book and came across the following sentence:
I can tell that it means "Because of the extreme cold, he woke up," but I was kind of surprised to see に used as the particle to indicate cause.
An Internet search does tell me that に can be used to indicate a reason or cause, especially, it seems, for feeling verbs, like in the case of something like 雷に驚いた (startled by lightning) or 私に怒っている (angry with me). But I wouldn't have thought "waking up" was a feeling verb, so I'm not sure why the author used に instead of で to indicate the reason the character woke up.
Is it just a matter of style or personal preference? Is it idiomatic and I just need to grow more accustomed to when it feels more natural to use に? Would あまりの寒さで目を覚ました also be correct or does that sound weird?