Conditional sentence structures in English:
- If I had X'd, I would(n't) have Y'd;
- If I X'd, I would(n't) Y;
- If I X, I will/won't Y.
Possible structures in Japanese (I got most of these from Google):
- Xしたら、Yすることはあった/なかっただろう;
- Xしたら、Yした/しなかっただろう;
- Xしたら、Yする/しないだろう;
- Xしたら、Yする/しない。
Are these 4 correct? How do they differ, and how do they line up with the English ones?
If I wanted a "bare conditional" like "I would X" or "I would have X'd", could I take 1-2-3 and suppress the -tara part?