Context: One character said to the MC that she only felt herself truly become strong since the day she met her Master. Then she said this to confirm that again (maybe?):
I'm not sure about the meaning of this sentence, my guesses are:
It must be from that day, that I'm aware of myself being strong
[.....], that I know I have to try to become strong
If my understanding was wrong, please help me understand the correct meaning! Thanks o/
Edit: forgot to add the full context so here it is:
MC wants to help the people in this world (he has been isekai'd and there's a war here)
Then he talked to this character (A-san), and A-san talking about the fact that she only felt herself truly become strong since the day she met her Master (T-sama).
MC 「それは?」
A-san 「力を持つことの理由や使い方を示してくださったのがT-samaだ」
A-san「ゆえに、私とBはT-samaのために戦い、夢を叶える後押しをしようと決めた」 (B is her friend, T-sama's dream is to end war and bring true peace to everyone)
A-san「そのときからだな、強くあろうと意識したのは」 (>>here is the line I was wondering about)
Edit 2: added the sentences following the bolded line:
MC 「俺と同じだ」
A-san 「自惚れるな。私はまだお前を完全に信用したわけではないからな」
A-san 「……話が長くなってしまった。私も少し休ませてもらうとしよう」