
  1. 疲れますよ
  2. 疲れていますよ。

I chose 2 above but it was wrong, 1 - は疲れますよ is the correct answer.

My interpretation and reasoning: "The station is far from here so, I walked and therefore I am currently tired"

So with my translation then 2 should be correct, it is currently happening, I am currently tired because the station was far, why is 2 wrong and 1 correct?

  • Do you understand how では works?
    – naruto
    Commented Oct 29, 2021 at 6:24

1 Answer 1


Maybe you saw ので ("because") in the sentence? Then no, this sentence does not have one. This の after 歩いていく is a plain nominalizer, and you have misinterpreted (or ignored) では.

noun + では has many usages, but here it roughly means "With X" in the sense of "If X is used/chosen".

  • スマホでは画面が小さすぎます。
    (lit.) With a smartphone, the screen is too small.
    The screen is too small if you used a smartphone.
  • これでは買えません。
    With this (amount of money), I cannot buy it.
  • 毎日外食するのではお金が沢山かかります。
    If you choose to eat out every day, it costs a lot of money.
    (This の is a nominalizer.)

Also note that 歩いていく is in the present tense, and this -ていく implies someone moves from here (to the station).

Therefore you have to read the first half of the sentence like this:


Because the station is far from here, if one (chooses to) walk (from here to) there,...

And naturally, the correct choice is 2.

"I walked (from the station) so I am tired" would be 歩いてきたので疲れています. (There is no は after で, くる is used instead of いく, and くる is in the past form)

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