This question made me think.

His car is the same as mine.

Except that isn't a literal translation. A literal translation would be "His car is the same as me". But I am not a car.

Would it be incorrect to add a の into this sentence i.e.:


A Google search for "私のと同じ" does not result in many convincing hits so I'm assuming it's wrong.

Can we understand this grammatically? Is the の just assumed to be redundant? ...

1 Answer 1


In Japanese, 彼の車は私と同じです is a perfectly natural sentence. When you compare two things, this type of omission* is extremely common in Japanese, and it can be found even in the most formal writings.

(* This may seem to be "omission" from the English perspective, but Japanese people may say nothing is omitted.)


  • 彼の英語は私より上手です。
    His English is better than mine.

  • 地球の体積は月より大きい。
    The volume of the earth is larger than that of the moon.

  • この店で売られているリンゴはあの店より美味しい。
    Apples sold at this store are more delicious than those sold at that store.

  • 彼の考えは君とは違う。
    His opinion is different from yours.

  • 限定版の値段は通常版と同じです。
    The price of the limited edition is the same as that of the regular edition.

(Actually "His car is the same as me" is a common mistake made by Japanese students.)

If there were not many examples of 私のと同じ, it's probably because 私の is relatively colloquial, and in speech の tends to be "omitted" anyway. Instead of の, you can use the stiffer pronoun (の)それ and say the following:

  • 彼の車は私の車と同じです。
  • 地球の体積は月の体積より大きい。

But sentences like these are found mainly in strict technical documents or translated materials. You can (or should) stick to the shorter versions in most cases.

EDIT: Of course you have to avoid "omission" when it causes confusion:

  • 君のお父さんは僕のお父さんより背が高い。
    Your father is taller than my father.
  • 君のお父さんは僕より背が高い。
    Your father is taller than me.
  • Are you sure that 彼の考えは君とは違う etc is natural or grammatical? Can you tell me why I don't see even one example in this page english.cheerup.jp/corpus/…
    – user34216
    Commented May 19, 2020 at 23:51
  • 1
    @SadaharuWakisaka That's because you're referring to a low-quality E-J parallel corpus which includes literal, old-fashioned or "翻訳調" sentences. Still, there are examples like 私の意見は彼と異なる in the second page. Try BCCWJ and you will find completely different results. You can find examples like 私と同じ苗字, 私と同じ高校, 頭の構造が私と違う, 奴は僕と同じ齢だ and so on and on.
    – naruto
    Commented May 20, 2020 at 0:54
  • 1
    @SadaharuWakisaka 田中コーパスってこんな文も割とありますし、訳としては正しくても「大学生に英文を収集させて翻訳させることで作った対訳集」という時点で、どうしても細かい言い回しが翻訳調・直訳調になっていたり、人称代名詞の使い方などに偏りが出たりするのは避けられません。少なくとも「ごく普通の日本語の使われ方」の証拠として提示するようなものではありません。素直にBCCWJを使いましょう。翻訳文だと「私のそれ」などと言いがちだ、というのは私が回答内で指摘した通りです。
    – naruto
    Commented May 20, 2020 at 1:19
  • I accept 「拓哉のクルマ?俺と同じ」 but not 「彼の車は私と同じです」
    – user34216
    Commented May 20, 2020 at 19:08
  • @Wakisaka, Be Niceでお願いします。
    – chocolate
    Commented May 21, 2020 at 2:02

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