
On’yomi before hiragana in a word looks special.
Are there any other examples?
If any, how can I know whether it is kun’yomi or on’yomi?


1 Answer 1


On’yomi before hiragana are exceptional cases in Japanese. Most of those words occur when a conjugation of the verb する is followed after On’yomi, such as:

[信]{しん}じる, [愛]{あい}する, [論]{ろん}じる, [発]{はっ}する, [感]{かん}じる, [辞]{じ}する, [私]{し}する

However, [大]{だい}それた is not included even in this type. I know several other examples:

[大]{たい}した, [単]{たん}なる, [当]{とう}の, [聖]{せい}なる

But probably they are quite special. I don't know this is related, but at least examples above, these are categorized into a special word class called pre-noun adjectival ([連体詞]{れんたいし}). It is said that there are few words belonging to this word class.

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