I’ve been studying Japanese for a while now and came across the following dialogue:
A: 私のこと、知ってるんだ。(So you know about me then?)
B: 知ってるも何も、有名人じゃないか。
I'm not quite sure how to make sense of B's reply. I thought it would translate to something along the lines of "I don't really know anything but you're a celebrity, right?" because of the use of 何も which I know means "nothing." However, the translation provided for B was "Of course I do (know about you), you're a celebrity, right?", which really confused me.
Initially I thought that the 〜も何も was just a combination of the particle も and the word 何も but apparently that doesn't seem to be the case. So my question is, what kind of meaning does「〜も何も」give to「知ってる」and how exactly does it translate to being an affirmation of one's knowledge about something? Can「〜も何も」be used with other words and what meanings would it have in those cases?