夜 - night

晩 - counter for nights

Is there a difference in time reference, i.e., is 今晩 earlier/later than 今夜?

Is there a difference in style, i.e., is one more reserved than the other?
If so, which one is more reserved?


2 Answers 2


As a Japanese native speaker, I would say there's no difference between them.

  • なるほど。Is there a difference in the age of the words themselves?
    – Tim F.
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 14:43

According to this page, both 晩 and 夜 refer to the time after sunset, but 晩 is supposed to describe the period while there is still light remaining (similar to 夕方 ) and 夜 is from when it’s become completely dark until dawn. However, they were being confused since long ago and and with words like 一晩中 (all night long) there may even be an impression that 晩 refers to a later time period than 夜.



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