I have a sentence like this:
試作機のテストをCら共々 手伝わせてもろてる感じなんです
It's a part of dialogue where A is giving a report to person B about progress on her project. Although this is a bit in media res, as in we cut into this conversation right at this line.
But anyway. I'm wondering what 感じでして and 感じなんです (which is probably 感じなのです) are meant to convey. I imagine it's supposed to mean that A thinks/feels these things? Like
Right now, I feel trying various approaches to solving the problem (will help?)
and I also feel all of C to help with prototype testing (will help?)
I assume the help bit is to be assumed from context, since they are talking about a project?
What I'm also wondering is, is she PROPOSING this course of action? Or is she saying, like, that she feels geting C's aid in testing is helping them?
Oh and of course is there a meaning difference between 感じなんする, 感じでして?
Like the former is more of a statement of feeling, but the later?