For full context (pictures attached to the text) see here:
「暮らしとアイデア」について話し合う会議に参加することになりました。日本には曲がるストローやプルトップリングなど、生活に役立つ発明で、特許を取ったものがたくさんあります。あなたが知っている発明で商品になったものを参加者に紹介してください。 First, my attempt at translation: It was decided that you will partake in a conference discussing ‘ideas and life circumstances’. In japan, bending drinking straws and rings for cans etc. (I don’t know what this is in English) are inventions which are helpful in daily life and there are many things which are patented/take patents. Please present things which being inventions you know became commercial articles/Please present things which were inventions you know and became commercial articles.
1) 暮らしとアイデア is kind of a problem for me. „Life circumstances and ideas“? I can only try to conclude what is meant by this. Maybe ideas which have arisen from certain cirumstances in life? Like a drinking straw maybe for people who have issues drinking from a glass directly?
2) 生活に役立つ発明で、特許を取ったものがたくさんあります These two parts 生活に役立つ発明で and 特許を取ったものがたくさんあります seem a bit disconnected to me. I think that I’m being told that there are many useful inventions and that many of them are patented. But the way I see it, this is poorly reflected in the grammar of the complete sentence. If 曲がるストローやプルトップリングなど was made a topic, it would be easier for me to give the impression that all these elements are one and the same thing: “Concerning bending drinking straws and rings for cans, they are inventions which are useful for daily life and there are many things which took patents.” Another option would be to extrapolate a continuative copula after など: “In japan, there are bending drinking straws and rings for cans and the like and they they are inventions which are useful in daily life and and there are many things which took patents.” If I regard もの in the last part as a pronominal element referring to 発明 and ultimately to 曲がるストローやプルトップリングなど then the contextual cohesion would improve even further: “Concerning bending drinking straws and rings for cans, they are inventions which are useful for daily life and they are one of many things which took patents.” This seems very far fetched to me though.
3) あなたが知っている発明で賞品になったものを参加者に紹介してください As it is probably obvious from the two options I offered in my translation for this sentence, I ran into trouble here as well. The first option is a literal translation trying to reflect as much as possible the syntactical connections I tried to establish. The second option is the way I would then translate it in a less literal, but hopefully more comprehensible way. I don’t really know wether the connections I established in my literal translation are legit or not :/