I am familiar with the formula: 連用形+に+動の動詞 (行く、来る、帰る、戻る、出かける、出る) which means "moving somewhere with a purpose", where "moving" is a template for going, coming, returning, etc.


林さんは何をしに来たのですか。Why did Hayashi come?

本を借りに来たんです。He came to borrow a book.

Can a noun+に be used in the same manner to express purpose?

E.g. can 健診に be used as the purpose for the verb いく?

林さんは健診に病院に行った。Hayashi went to the hospital for medical examination.


1 Answer 1


The google dictionary that popped up from my google search has 7 definitions. Number 1 seems to be the most relevant to your question.

The part which relates to purpose is as follows:


 《移動に関する動詞と共に使って》 動作・作用による到達点を示す。  「京都―着く」[1st]...


As far as purpose is concerned, に can be used with a verb related to movement to show destination or what is attained (1st). (Sorry; my translation is very rough). In addition, it can show the purpose of a verb's action or operation (2nd).

The last example sentence reads: "a medicine that is effective for headaches." Here the に is clearly used to express purpose.

Hope this helps.

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