What is the difference between 決算書{けっさんしょ}, [財務]{ざいむ}[諸表]{しょひょう} and [決算]{けっさん}[書類]{しょるい}?
決算書{けっさんしょ} and [財務]{ざいむ}[諸表]{しょひょう} are both technical terms with the same meaning.
原文 (Wikipedia):
財務{ざいむ}諸表{しょひょう}(financial statements)は、企業{きぎょう}が利害{りがい}関係者{かんけいしゃ}に対{たい}して一定{いってい}期間{きかん}の経営{けいえい}成績{せいせき}や財務{ざいむ}状態{じょうたい}等{とう}を明{あき}らかにするために複式{ふくしき}簿記{ぼき}に基{もと}づき作成{さくせい}される書類{しょるい}である。一般的{いっぱんてき}には決算書{けっさんしょ}と呼{よ}ばれることが多{おお}い。
[財務]{ざいむ}[諸表]{しょひょう} is the document which is made based on double-entry bookkeeping because a company clarifies business showings of a fixed period of time or a financing state for interested party. Generally, it is often called 決算書{けっさんしょ}.
The following infomation is from
[決算]{けっさん}[書類]{しょるい} is not a technical term but a popular name which refers to documents of settlement of accounts-related accounts and the tax practice generally, and the range of documents is not necessarily clear. Generally it includes following documents:
"財務{ざいむ}諸表{しょひょう}(証券{しょうけん}取引法{とりひきほう}関係{かんけい})" includes: