Stress on the 1st syllable ?
i guess . . . 4 moras in Japanese ? . . . maybe 3 or even 2.
ズーコ sounds like a nickname for a girl (could be male, as in ジーコ ) === ジーコ (Zico) ことアルトゥール・アントゥネス・コインブラ(Arthur Antunes Coimbra、ポルトガル語発音: [aʁˈtuʁ ɐ̃ˈtũnis koˈĩbɾɐ]、1953年3月3日 - )は、ブラジル出身の元サッカー選手、現サッカー指導者。 愛称である「Zico」は「やせっぽち」の意味で、より ...
If you want to use Man'yogana or something like it, the possiblities are endless.
( キラキラネーム )
But you've come to the right place. (!) There'd soon be several other people who will be offering suggestions and great insight.
Boy! Was I wrong ! ! ! w w w (I'm still new to this forum.) I'll tell you of other (better, friendlier) places to ask, ... maybe tomorrow, unless you need it now. Maybe you could try Chinese.SE -- seemed less draconian there, last time i checked.
Zu == 受 授 殊 儒
U == 宇羽于有卯烏得
Ko == 古姑枯故侯孤児粉 / 己巨去居忌許虚興木
Many scholars believe that Old Japanese had two different O vowels, o1 and o2.
........ o2 (ə), and the four secondary (less common) vowels i2 (ï/iy), e1 (e/ye), e2 (ë/ey), o1 (o/wo). )
My (almost random) pick for ズーコ from the above is: 殊烏子 (if Zuko is female) (Ok, it works for males too -- as in Confucius)
I picked 烏 (crow) after the Chinese folk notion (or folk wisdom) of 孝鸟 or 鸦有反哺之孝.
塗香(ずこう)とは、仏像や修行者の身体に香を塗って、けがれを除くこと。また、その香。仏に捧げる六種の供物の一種。 数種の香木を混ぜて粉末にし、粉末のまま乾燥したものと、浄水と混ぜ練香としたものがある。一般には粉末にした、抹香状の薄茶色の香を ...
図工 === 図画工作(ずがこうさく、英語: Arts and Crafts)は、日本の初等教育における教科の1つ。中学校・高等学校の美術・技術に相当する。略して図工(ずこう)ともいう。 --
Zooco is a Japanese R&B singer, first becoming known as the vocalist of Escalators, before going on to join Soul Lovers. When Soul Lovers disbanded in 2002, Zooco ...
------------ Maybe her real name is Kazuko (or Shizuko ...) and Anglophones would call her [ka-ZOO-koh] ...