Could you please confirm the reading of what I think are two instances of a (Kansai?) dialect that I've seen in the same manga chapter today. The first one (with a context):


Furigana is mine and shows the reading I would expect there (i.e. that 乗 is read 「の」 and that next ん is a dialect for ら (and the whole thing is a past negative of [乗]{の}る)).

The second instance is


I omit the context, but the meaning is unmistakably "come again". Though this time it could be a contraction of [来]{き}なさい, it doesn't feel like a command in the context, so I suspect the same dialect again.

So, am I right about [乗]{の} and [来]{き} readings, or do I miss it entirely?

1 Answer 1


The correct readings are 乗{の}んなかった and 来{き}なね. This link might help! I don't know if the origins are from the kansai region but it is often heard on TV and in kantou as well.

ら is often omitted in place for ん because it is easier to say. One good example is 分{わ}からない and 分{わ}かんない.

The second one of verb stem + な represents a light-hearted command.

e.g. 食{た}べなよ! Take a bite!

NOTE: Neither of these forms are formal.

  • 3
    のんかった < is this typo?
    – naruto
    Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 1:49
  • Seen わかんない several times in the same manga, yet it didn't occurred to me that [乗]{の}んなかった is a similar case. Noted about [来]{き}な, thanks!
    – kroki
    Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 8:13
  • @naruto Haha, I'm not sure, I feel like both work
    – ishikun
    Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 17:54
  • 2
    乗んなかった can be only read as のんなかった. 乗らんかった is another possible sound change of 乗らなかった, but it has to be distinguished.
    – naruto
    Commented Aug 6, 2016 at 3:12
  • @naruto Oh LOL, I corrected the wrong part :P. Feel free to edit my post next time :)
    – ishikun
    Commented Aug 7, 2016 at 19:11

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