In my JLPT workbook, it gives these examples to explain the difference between 延{の}びる
and 伸{の}びる
They both mean "stretch", more or less, so I assumed the difference was that 延{の}びる
was more about time and space, and 伸{の}びる
is more about distance and length.
However, take a look at this practise question:
A 長引{ながひ}いた B 広{ひろ}がった C 延{の}びた D 伸{の}びた
I chose, D, because it was about length.
According to the book, though, the answer is C.
How can I make sense of this answer in light of the example sentences?
which can have both伸びる
is almost for physical stuff and the other is for space and time. An exception I know is[金]{きん}を[叩]{たた}いて[延]{の}ばす
, which meansBeat out gold
. Also: